Sunday, December 6, 2009

My myspace profile won't show my friends!!?

On my myspace profile, it won't show my friends, why? I got the layout premade, so I didn't do a "hidden" thing to the friends part. How do I get my profile to show the friends again? Is there a code for it?

You can view my profile, if you don't know what I mean:

My myspace profile won't show my friends!!?

Click on the little button in your friends panel and edit your top friends. If they don't come up straight away, that's either because they haven't added you yet, or you haven't gone intot he top friends thing. It can show from 8-24 people, I think, and will only show the ones in the red highlight.

Go into that, and then choose your option depending on how many friends you have, and it will all come up.

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